Technical Program

Paper Detail

Time:Thursday, July 17, 17:20 - 19:00
Presentation: Poster
Topic: Cryosphere: Permafrost
Title: Permafrost investigation in Central Siberia (Yakutia) using X-Band Dual-Pol InSAR data
Authors: Franck Garestier; Lab M2C, University of Caen 
 Elena Zakharova; CNRS, LEGOS, UMR5566, State Oceanography Institute, St. Petersburg branch 
 Alexei Kouraev; LEGOS, UMR 5566 State Oceanography Institute, St. Petersburg branch, Tomsk State University 
 Roman Desyatkin; Institute of the Biological problems of the cryolythozone, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences 
 Stéphane Guillaso; Technische Universität Berlin, Computer Vision & Remote Sensing