Paper/Abstract Submission

The review results have been sent by email to all authors. The list of accepted papers is available here. If you have not recieved the results notification by email, please contact

Participation in IGARSS is open to all individuals interested in or working in the fields of geoscience and remote sensing. Abstracts received by the deadline will be considered for program placement under the standard peer review process. Late abstracts cannot be accepted due to the large number of submissions and short review schedule. The IEEE IGARSS 2014 Technical Program Committee will organize all accepted abstracts into either oral or interactive poster sessions based upon their potential contribution to the symposium and the composition of high-quality sessions.

Please note the following important notes regarding the distribution of IGARSS 2014 abstracts and proceedings:

  1. Electronic media containing all IGARSS 2014 full proceedings papers (4-page, IEEE format) or abstracts (for non-publishing authors) will be distributed to all registered attendees at the symposium.
  2. Submission of a full proceedings paper (4-page, IEEE format) is not mandatory, but strongly recommended for all the accepted abstracts.
  3. The full proceedings papers distributed at the symposium will not be labeled with IEEE Log Numbers, and they will not be official publications at that time. Only papers presented at the symposium will be published in the official electronic proceedings of IGARSS 2014 in IEEE Xplore. Papers submitted, but not presented in Quebec, will not be published in the official proceedings and in IEEE Xplore.
  4. The authors who wish to enter the Student Prize Paper Competition of IGARSS 2014 must submit the full proceedings paper (4-page, IEEE format), a letter from their advisor, and proof of their student status by January 13, 2014. Details are found at the Student Contest page. Student papers not selected for the Competition will have their abstracts reviewed along with all other submissions for possible inclusion in the general conference program.

The entire submission process and requirements are detailed in the Paper Kit.

Online Submission of Full Papers

Final Submission Instructions:

  • Use the links below to revise an accepted abstract submission or to submit a final 4-page proceedings paper.
  • All submissions must be written in English.
  • The minimum page limit is two single sided pages formatted into a two-column document. Use Times New Roman font larger than 9 points and follow the Paper Kit instructions.
  • Authors of accepted papers can revise their abstracts for inclusion on the electronic media until May 30, 2014. IMPORTANT: If you submit a full 4-page paper, your abstract WILL NOT be included on the disc distributed on-site. Instead, we will publish your full paper in the official proceedings, which will be distributed at the symposium. ONLY IF you do not wish to publish a full paper in the proceedings do you need to do anything about the abstract.
  • The electronic system will enable full proceedings papers to be submitted until May 30, 2014.

Note: The deadline for submitting a full paper is May 30, 2014.

Click here to submit a full, 4-page paper

Submission of Abstracts

  • Use the links below to submit an abstract or to revise an existing abstract submission.
  • All abstracts must be written in English.
  • The minimum page limit for all abstracts is two single sided pages. The maximum page limit is 4 pages. Use Times New Roman font, 11 or 12 point, 1.5 line spacing.
  • Abstracts should state clearly and concisely the problem, methodology used and central conclusions, and may include figures and graphs.
  • Abstracts must include a bibliography to help reviewers place the contributions of the work into context.
  • A maximum of two abstracts may be submitted by each presenting author, including both general and invited sessions.
  • Every author is responsible for checking the status of their abstract by visiting the symposium website, during March, 2014. Acceptance letters will be sent via email only, and the results posted on the website.
  • Upon acceptance of the abstract, authors are strongly recommended to submit a 4-page full proceedings paper in IEEE format by May 30, 2014. Only these full proceedings papers will be published in IEEE Xplore.
  • Authors of accepted papers can revise their abstracts for inclusion on the electronic media until May 30, 2014.
  • The electronic system will enable full proceedings papers to be submitted until May 30, 2014.

If you are submitting to an invited session, you will receive separate instructions for submitting your paper. Please do not submit invited papers through the regular submission process unless indicated to do so.

Submit a revision to an accepted 2-4 page abstract

Check Status

Check the status of a submitted paper

Request Paper Acceptance Letter

Click here to receive a paper acceptance letter.

IEEE Copyright Form

Regenerate the IEEE copyright form for your submission

Conference Proceedings

Presenting authors with accepted abstracts are encouraged but not required to publish their paper(s) in the conference proceedings. Only papers submitted, registered and presented at the conference will be published in the IGARSS 2014 proceedings and hence will be citable and searchable by the Engineering Index. If an author chooses to publish in the conference proceedings, the following instructions apply:
