Women in Radio Science (WIRS)
In 2019, USNC-URSI voted to create the first Women in Radio Science (WIRS) Chapter for any National Committee of URSI. The focus of the WIRS Chapter is to create a community where women and men with interests in Radio Science can meet to encourage and mentor early-career women as well as enable women at all stages in their radio science careers to collaborate and learn from shared experiences.
USNC-URSI considers the WIRS Chapter much the same as any of the ten USNC-URSI Commissions, in that the Chapter has Officers and members. In addition, the WIRS Chapter is charged with inviting prominent women to deliver a presentation at the annual NRSM (Visit NRSM 2025). Links to these presentations are provided below.
For information on how to join the USNC-URSI WIRS Chapter, attend the WIRS business meeting and WIRS reception at the annual NRSM or contact the WIRS Chair, Winry Ember, at wember@berkeley.edu.

Attendees at the WIRS Business meeting during the 2024 NRSM in Boulder, CO.
Launch Vehicle and Spacecraft Transmitter Electromagnetic Compatibility
Dr. Dawn H. Trout - Kennedy Space Center, Merritt Island, FL
January 2022
Abstract |Video available at the conclusion of the NRSM 2022