Past USNC-URSI Awardees

The 2023 USNC-URSI Awards were presented by USNC-URSI Chair, Dr. Michael Newkirk, during the NRSM Plenary Session in January for three of the awardees, and will be presented during the Awards Ceremony at the IEEE AP-S/URSI meeting in July for one.

Piergiorgio L. E. Uslenghi
Chair's Award - Piergiorgio L. E. Uslenghi

For contributions to mentoring radio science students and young scientists, diversity, outreach, inclusion, scholarly work, and impact on the radio science community.

Raj Mittra
Distinguished Radio Science Award - Raj Mittra

For contributions to analytical and numerical techniques in electromagnetics and to antenna theory and design.

Yahya Rahmat–Samii
Outstanding Educator Award - Yahya Rahmat–Samii

For outstanding contributions to development of inspiring methodologies in educating a vast number of students and engineers in modern electromagnetics and communication antennas.

Danilo Erricolo
Impact Award - Danilo Erricolo

For transformative societal impact by unparalleled breakthroughs in diversity, inclusion, and outreach as editor and conference chair and outstanding leadership in radio-science research and education.