The Hans Liebe Lectureship Series
The U.S. National Committee (USNC) for the International Union of Radio Scientists (URSI), with the generous support of the Liebe family, has established the Hans Liebe Lectureship in microwave and optical spectroscopy as applied to radio science, remote sensing, and telecommunications.
This lectureship provides travel support and an honorarium for a distinguished member of the radio science community to deliver a lecture on the professional topic of their interest at each of the annual USNC-URSI Radio Science meetings. A list of past lecturers is provided below along with their abstracts. Video recordings of the presentations are also available starting in 2021.
Lecturer | Title | Year | Meeting | Hans Liebe Lecturer | Abstract | Video |
Dr. Christopher L. Holloway National Institute of Standards and Technology Boulder, CO |
Rydberg Atom-Based Sensors: "Transforming Measurements and Detection of Radio-Frequency Fields and Time-Varying Signals" | January 2025 | Boulder USNC-URSI | Twelth | Abstract | Video |
Dr. Ulrich Löhnert University of Cologne, Germany |
"Ground-Based Microwave Radiometers: Missing Puzzle Pieces in Laying the Picture of the Atmospheric State" | January 2024 | Boulder USNC-URSI | Eleventh | Abstract | Video |
Dr. Stefan Buehler Director of the Meteorological Institute, University of Hamburg, Germany |
"How Water Shapes Climate" | January 2023 | Boulder USNC-URSI | Tenth | Abstract | Video |
Dr. Mikhail Tretyakov Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia |
"Laboratory Spectroscopy of Atmospheric Gases in the Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Range" | January 2022 | Boulder USNC-URSI | Ninth | Abstract | Video |
Dr. Brian J. Drouin Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology |
"Molecular Oxygen Absorptions from Red to Radio" | January 2021 | Boulder USNC-URSI | Eighth | Abstract | Video |
Dr. Vivienne Payne Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology |
"Evaluating Microwave Spectroscopy Using Ground-Based Radiometers" | July 2020 | Montreal APS-URSI | Seventh | Abstract | |
Dr. Domenico Cimini Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis (CNR-IMAA), Italy |
"Fostering Ground-Based Microwave Radiometry: From Uncertainty to Networking" | January 2019 | Boulder USNC-URSI | Sixth | Abstract | |
Dr. Maria P. Cadeddu Argonne National Laboratory |
"Spectroscopy and Remote Sensing Studies with the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Ground-based Microwave and Millimeter-wave Radiometers: A Review of Accomplishments and Recent Challenges" | January 2018 | Boulder USNC-URSI | Fifth | Abstract | |
Dr. Christian Mätzler IAP Bern (retired) |
"Interactions of Microwaves with Ice and Snow - From Experiments to Models for Applications in Remote Sensing" | January 2017 | Boulder USNC-URSI | Fourth | Abstract | |
Dr. Paul G. Steffes Georgia Institute of Technology |
"Microwave Remote Sensing of Planetary Atmospheres from Spacecraft: The 50 Years from Mariner 2 to NASA-JUNO" | January 2016 | Boulder USNC-URSI | Third | Abstract | |
Dr. Susanne Crewell University of Cologne |
"Extending Operational Satellite Cloud Remote Sensing into the Submillimeter Range: The Challenge of Supercooled Liquid Water Absorption" | July 2015 | Vancouver APS-URSI | Second | Abstract | |
Dr. David D. Turner NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory |
"Using Microwave and Submillimeter Radiometer Observations to Improve Climate Models" | January 2014 | Boulder USNC-URSI | First | Abstract |