Commission K: Electromagnetics in Biology and Medicine
Officers (2024-2026)
Sima Noghanian
Distinguished Antenna Design Engineer, CommScope Ruckus Networks
Commission K is charged with promoting research and development in the following domains:
- Physical interactions of electromagnetic fields with biological systems;
- Biological effects of electromagnetic fields;
- Interaction mechanisms;
- Human exposure assessment;
- Experimental exposure systems;
- Medical applications.
Social Media
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Past Chairs
- Asimina Kiourti (2022 - 2023)
- Majid Manteghi (2018 - 2021)
- Mahta Moghaddam (2015 - 2017)
- Erdem Topsakal (2012 - 2014)
- Susan C. Hagness (2009 - 2011)
- Gianluca Lazzi (2006 - 2008)
- Om Gandhi (2003 - 2005)
- Frank S. Barnes (2000 - 2002)
- James C. Lin (1992 - 1999)
Note: Commission K first appeared in the 1992 NRSM.
Membership List
- L. Anderson
- F. Barnes
- N. Behdad
- C. Blackman
- K. Chen
- C. Chou
- M. Elshenawi
- C. Furse
- O. Gandhi
- L. Gianlucal
- L. Gomez
- S. Hagness
- A. Ishimaru
- M. Kanda
- A. Kiourti
- Y. Kuga
- H. Lai
- R. Liburdy
- J. Lin
- J. Lundquist
- I. Mahbub
- M. Manteghi
- M. Moghaddam
- S. Noghanian
- K. Paulsen
- E. Porter
- Y. Rahmat-Samii
- C. Ramon
- S. Roy
- A. Sabouni
- J. Simpson
- S. Sharma
- A. Sheppard
- E. Topsakal
- J. Wang
Early Career Members
- T. Bowman
- B. Dontha
- C. Jenkins
- S. Kandala
- L. Linkous
- V. Mishra
- Y. Mohtashami
- S. Nabanita
- A. Nandikanti
- A. Nunnally
- A. Rice
- J. Sawicki
- M. Suche
Associate Career Members
- R. Green
- H. Gurhan
- K. Kakaraparty
Books by Members
"Antenna and Sensor Technologies in Modern Medical Applications"
Editor(s): Yahya Rahmat-Samii; Erdem Topsakal
"Basic Introduction to Bioelectromagnetics" 2nd Edition
Authors: Cynthia Furse, Douglas A. Christensen, Carl H. Durney
"Microwave Tomography"
Global Optimization, Parallelization and Performance Evaluation
Authors: Sima Noghanian, Abas Sabouni, Travis Desell, Ali AshtariS