My IGARSS 2013 Schedule

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Paper Detail

Session:Next Generation Radar Instruments and Technologies for Future Missions and Mission Concepts I
Session Time:Thursday, July 25, 13:30 - 15:10
Presentation Time:Thursday, July 25, 14:30 - 14:50
Presentation: Oral
Topic: Invited Sessions: Next Generation Radar Instruments and Technologies for Future Missions and Mission Concepts
Paper Title: COREH2O: High-Resolution X/Ku-Band Radar Imaging of Cold Land Processes
Authors: Helmut Rott; University of Innsbruck 
 Donald Cline; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / NWS 
 Claude Duguay; University of Waterloo 
 Richard Essery; University of Edinburgh 
 Pierre Etchevers; Météo-France 
 Irena Hajnsek; German Aerospace Center (DLR) 
 Michael Kern; European Space Agency 
 Giovanni Macelloni; IFAC-CNR, Institute of Applied Physics 
 Eirik Malnes; Norut IT 
 Jouni Pulliainen; Finnish Meteorological Institute 
 Simon Yueh; California Institute of Technology