Invited session proposals are solicited for the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2013, to be held on the 21st – 26th July, at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, South Wharf, Melbourne, Australia.
Proposals for Invited sessions must reach the Co-Chairs of the Technical Programme Committee, by the 28th September, 2012. This deadline will be strictly observed, and no deadline extension will be given.
Each proposal should include
As with previous years the chair and co-chair should confirm that their potential invitees are willing to make a commitment to attend and deliver a presentation at the Symposium in Melbourne in July, 2013, should the proposed invited session be accepted into the technical programme.
When seeking such commitment, we suggest that the chair and co-chair of the invited session advise the invited presenters that a place for the session in the final technical programme cannot be guaranteed, and that competition for invited session places is strong, and the number of such places limited.
All proposals should be submitted online through the link below:
The deadline for submitting or revising invited session proposals has passed.