My IGARSS 2013 Schedule

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Note: Times and locations are subject to change.

Monday, July 22
13:30 - 15:10
MO3.T02: Education and Remote Sensing Room 101
MO3.T10: Extra-terrestrial Geoscience and Remote Sensing Room 102
MO3.T03: NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission (SMAP) Room 103
MO3.T04: Tomography and 3D Mapping I Room 104
MO3.T11: Novel Approaches to Remote Sensing Room 105
MO3.T05: Differential SAR Interferometry I Room 106
MO3.T07: Forest Structure I Room 109
MO3.T06: High Resolution Optical Techniques I Room 110
MO3.T08: Sea Ice I Room 111
MO3.T01: Geoscience and Remote Sensing in Australasia and Oceania I Room 112
MO3.T12: Geohazard Supersites and Natural Laboratories Room 207
MO3.T09: Ocean Biology Room 208
15:40 - 17:20
MO4.T12: Coastal Hazards and Landslides Room 102
MO4.T03: Soil Moisture: Retrieval Algorithms I Room 103
MO4.T04: Multidimensional SAR Imaging Techniques Room 104
MO4.T11: Allocations in Remote Sensing and RFI Mitigation for Microwave Radiometry Room 105
MO4.T05: Differential SAR Interferometry II Room 106
MO4.T07: Forest Structure II Room 109
MO4.T06: High Resolution Optical Techniques II Room 110
MO4.T08: Ice Sheets and Glaciers I Room 111
MO4.T01: Big Data and Geoinformation Analytics I Room 112
MO4.T10: Ground Measurements for Improving Satellite Precipitation Algorithms Room 207
MO4.T02: Ensuring Credibility of Remote Sensing Data Products Room 208
17:20 - 19:00
MOP.P1: SAR Interferometry I Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
MOP.P2: Recent Advances in GNSS-R and Synthetic Aperture Microwave Radiometry Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
MOP.P3: Microwave Radiometers Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
MOP.P4: Hyperspectral Techniques I Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
MOP.P5: Optical and Infrared Modelling I Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
MOP.P7: Integrated Earth Observing Systems I Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
MOP.P8: High Resolution Optical Techniques III Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
MOP.P9: Instruments, Calibration and Techniques Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
MOP.P11: Lidar Applications Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
MOP.P14: Remote Sensing from Airborne Platforms Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
MOP.P15: Precipitation and Clouds I Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
MOP.P16: Numerical Weather Prediction and Data Assimilation I Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
MOP.P17: Atmospheric Sounding Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
MOP.P18: Aerosols and Atmospheric Chemistry I Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
MOP.P19: Data Management and Systems I Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
MOP.P20: Inland Waters I Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
MOP.P21: Tomography and 3D Mapping II Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
MOP.P22: SAR Processing III Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
MOP.P23: SUOMI-NPP Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
Tuesday, July 23
08:20 - 10:00
TU1.T10: Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission I Room 101
TU1.T12: Hazard/Disaster Mapping Room 102
TU1.T03: Soil Moisture: Retrieval Algorithms II Room 103
TU1.T04: Advanced Methods for Polarimetric Information Extraction Room 104
TU1.T11: Local and Regional Applications of Integrated In-situ and Remote Sensing Data III Room 105
TU1.T05: Differential SAR Interferometry III Room 106
TU1.T07: Forest Biomass I Room 109
TU1.T06: Hyperspectral Classification I Room 110
TU1.T02: Student Paper Contest I Room 111
TU1.T01: Use Cases and the Development of Digital Earth Room 112
TU1.T08: Active/Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Snow Room 207
TU1.T09: Satellite Sensing of Oceans Winds Room 208
10:30 - 12:10
TU2.T12: Earthquakes and Crustal Movement Room 102
TU2.T03: Soil Moisture: Downscaling Approaches Room 103
TU2.T01: GIS Applications I Room 104
TU2.T11: GCOM-Global Change Observation Mission Room 105
TU2.T05: High Resolution SAR I Room 106
TU2.T07: Forest Biomass II Room 109
TU2.T06: Hyperspectral Classification II Room 110
TU2.T02: Student Paper Contest II Room 111
TU2.T08: Snow Remote Sensing I Room 112
TU2.T04: Temporal Decorrelation and Repeat-Pass Interferometry Over Forests Room 207
TU2.T09: Ocean Winds: Hurricane Studies and Climate Applications Room 208
13:30 - 15:10
TU3.T12: Tsunamis & Flooding Room 102
TU3.T03: Soil Moisture: Field Experiments Room 103
TU3.T01: Local and Regional Applications of Integrated In-situ and Remote Sensing Data I Room 104
TU3.T11: Remote Sensing Instruments and Technologies for Small Satellites I Room 105
TU3.T05: High Resolution SAR II Room 106
TU3.T07: Forests I Room 109
TU3.T06: Hyperspectral Target/Anomaly Detection Room 110
TU3.T10: Global Precipitation Measurement II Room 111
TU3.T08: Snow Remote Sensing II Room 112
TU3.T04: Data Fusion I Room 207
TU3.T09: Ocean Currents and Waves Dynamics Room 208
15:40 - 17:20
TU4.T09: Ocean Temperature and Salinity I Room 101
TU4.T12: Volcanism Room 102
TU4.T03: Soil Moisture: Radar Parameters Room 103
TU4.T01: Local and Regional Applications of Integrated In-situ and Remote Sensing Data II Room 104
TU4.T02: Pansharpening and Image Processing Room 105
TU4.T05: Airborne SAR Room 106
TU4.T07: Forests II Room 109
TU4.T06: Hyperspectral Noise Reduction Room 110
TU4.T10: Global Precipitation Measurement III Room 111
TU4.T08: Future Missions and Systems Room 112
TU4.T04: Data Fusion II Room 207
TU4.T11: Remote Sensing Instruments and Technologies for Small Satellites II Room 208
17:20 - 19:00
TUP.P1: High Resolution SAR III Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
TUP.P2: SAR Processing I Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
TUP.P3: Differential SAR Interferometry IV Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
TUP.P4: Electromagnetic Interactions with Land and Ocean Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
TUP.P5: Subsurface Sensing Methods and Systems Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
TUP.P6: Hyperspectral Techniques II Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
TUP.P7: Information Extraction for Mapping Applications Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
TUP.P8: Information Extraction for Land and Maritime Applications Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
TUP.P9: Information Extraction in Electromagnetic and Subsurface Problems Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
TUP.P10: Ocean Temperature and Salinity II Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
TUP.P11: Coastal Oceanography I Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
TUP.P12: Coastal Zones I Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
TUP.P13: Ocean Color and Water Quality Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
TUP.P14: Active and Passive Sensing of Ocean Winds; Wave Fields and Propagation Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
TUP.P15: Spaceborne Observations of Hurricanes and Air-Sea Interaction Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
TUP.P16: Ocean Altimetry Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
TUP.P17: SAR Missions and Calibration Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
TUP.P18: Active Microwave Sensors and Calibration Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
TUP.P19: Ground-based Radar Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
TUP.P20: Big Data and Geoinformation Analytics II Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
TUP.P21: Image Information Mining I Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
TUP.P22: Dynamics of Earth Processes and Climate Change - Biosphere Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
TUP.P23: Dynamics of Earth Processes and Climate Change - Hydrosphere/Geosphere Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
TUP.P24: Dynamics of Earth Processes and Climate Change - Biosphere/Atmosphere Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
Wednesday, July 24
08:20 - 10:00
WE1.T09: Aquarius Mission Calibration/Validation and Science Results I Room 101
WE1.T12: Dynamics of Earth Processes and Climate Change - Biosphere/Cryospheres Room 102
WE1.T03: Soil Moisture: Satellite Products Room 103
WE1.T01: Sub-orbital Microwave Radiometers Room 104
WE1.T02: Change Detection Room 105
WE1.T05: SAR Target Detection and Recognition Room 106
WE1.T07: Field Sampling and Remote Sensing Room 109
WE1.T06: Spectral Unmixing Room 110
WE1.T10: Precipitation and Clouds II Room 111
WE1.T08: Remote Sensing of the Littoral Zone with Electro-optical Sensors I Room 112
WE1.T04: SAR Polarimetry: Theory and Applications I Room 207
WE1.T11: ALOS Follow-on Optical Mission: High Spatial/Spectral Resolution Global Observation Room 208
10:30 - 12:10
WE2.T09: Aquarius Mission Calibration/Validation and Science Results II Room 101
WE2.T12: Dynamics of Earth Processes and Climate Change - Hydrosphere Room 102
WE2.T03: Soil Moisture: Data Assimilation Room 103
WE2.T01: Synthetic Aperture Microwave Radiometry and Radio-Frequency Interference Detection and Mitigation Room 104
WE2.T02: Multi and Hyperspectral Image Analysis Room 105
WE2.T05: SAR Processing II Room 106
WE2.T07: Vegetation I Room 109
WE2.T06: Machine Learning in Hyperspectral Imagery Room 110
WE2.T10: Precipitation and Clouds III Room 111
WE2.T08: Remote Sensing of the Littoral Zone with Electro-optical Sensors II Room 112
WE2.T04: SAR Polarimetry: Theory and Applications II Room 207
WE2.T11: ALOS-2 Room 208
13:30 - 15:10
WE3.T12: Dynamics of Earth Processes and Climate Change - Atmosphere Room 102
WE3.T11: RADARSAT Room 103
WE3.T01: Recent Technology Developments in Microwave Radiometry Room 104
WE3.T02: SAR Image Analysis I Room 105
WE3.T05: SAR Interferometry II Room 106
WE3.T07: Vegetation II Room 109
WE3.T06: Applications of Hyperspectral Sensing Room 110
WE3.T10: Aerosols and Atmospheric Chemistry II Room 111
WE3.T03: Recent Advances in Land Surface Data Assimilation Room 112
WE3.T04: Signal Processing Techniques for POL-SAR and POL-inSAR Applications I Room 207
WE3.T09: Coastal Oceanography II Room 208
15:40 - 17:20
WE4.T12: Surface Deformation in Volcanic and Seismogenic Areas by means of Advanced Remote Sensing Techniques I Room 102
WE4.T11: TanDEM-X: Mission Status and Science Activities Room 103
WE4.T01: Microwave Radiometer Calibration and Validation Room 104
WE4.T02: SAR Image Analysis II Room 105
WE4.T05: SAR Interferometry III Room 106
WE4.T07: Vegetation III Room 109
WE4.T03: Remote Sensing for Water Resources Room 110
WE4.T10: Numerical Weather Prediction and Data Assimilation II Room 111
WE4.T08: New SAR Missions Room 112
WE4.T04: Signal Processing Techniques for POL-SAR and POL-inSAR Applications II Room 207
WE4.T09: Radar in Coastal Oceanography Room 208
17:20 - 19:00
WEP.P1: Polarimetric Decompositions and Classifications Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
WEP.P2: Polarimetric Methods and Applications Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
WEP.P3: PolSAR Image Analysis Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
WEP.P4: Bistatic SAR I Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
WEP.P5: Analysis Techniques: Segmentation Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
WEP.P6: Image Analysis I Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
WEP.P7: Image Processing Techniques Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
WEP.P8: Information Extraction in Vegetation Applications Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
WEP.P9: Analysis Techniques for Information Extraction Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
WEP.P10: Land Cover Change: Regional Applications Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
WEP.P11: Soil Moisture Retrieval I Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
WEP.P12: Land Cover Change: Analysis Methods Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
WEP.P13: Forests and Vegetation Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
WEP.P14: Agriculture: Remote Sensing of Vegetation Properties I Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
WEP.P15: Agriculture: Remote Sensing of Vegetation Classification and Identification Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
WEP.P16: Agriculture: Remote Sensing of Land and Water Management I Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
Thursday, July 25
08:20 - 10:00
TH1.T09: Topography, Geology and Geomorphology I Room 101
TH1.T12: Surface Deformation in Volcanic and Seismogenic Areas by means of Advanced Remote Sensing Techniques II Room 102
TH1.T08: TanDEM-X Applications Room 103
TH1.T06: Optical and Infrared Modelling II Room 104
TH1.T02: SAR Image Analysis III Room 105
TH1.T05: Along Track SAR Inteferometry Room 106
TH1.T07: Agriculture: Active Remote Sensing for Crop Properties Room 109
TH1.T01: Land Cover Change: Global and Regional Mapping Room 110
TH1.T10: Atmospheric Sounding - Spaceborne Room 111
TH1.T03: SMOS New Application and Basic Research Results I Room 112
TH1.T04: Change Detection and Multi-temporal Image Analysis I Room 207
TH1.T11: Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Missions - Current and Future Activities I Room 208
10:30 - 12:10
TH2.T09: Wetlands I Room 101
TH2.T12: Topography, Geology & Geomorphology Room 102
TH2.T08: Information Extraction for Scene Interpretation Room 103
TH2.T06: Optical and Infrared Modelling III Room 104
TH2.T02: Statistical and Machine Learning Techniques Room 105
TH2.T05: PolSAR Methods Room 106
TH2.T07: Agriculture: Remote Sensing of Vegetation Properties II Room 109
TH2.T01: Land Cover Change: Urban Room 110
TH2.T10: Atmospheric Sounding - Airborne and In-Situ Room 111
TH2.T03: SMOS New Application and Basic Research Results II Room 112
TH2.T04: Change Detection and Multi-temporal Image Analysis II Room 207
TH2.T11: Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Missions - Activities & Calibration Room 208
13:30 - 15:10
TH3.T04: Integrated Earth Observing Systems II Room 101
TH3.T12: Earth Deformation Mapping Room 102
TH3.T08: Information Extraction from SAR Images Room 103
TH3.T06: Optical and Infrared Modelling IV Room 104
TH3.T02: Image Classification I Room 105
TH3.T05: PolSAR Applications Room 106
TH3.T07: Agriculture: Remote Sensing of Vegetation Properties III Room 109
TH3.T01: Land Cover Change: Optical Room 110
TH3.T10: Lidars and Forestry Room 111
TH3.T03: SMOS New Application and Basic Research Results III Room 112
TH3.T11: Next Generation Radar Instruments and Technologies for Future Missions and Mission Concepts I Room 207
TH3.T09: New Developments in Monitoring of Ocean Surface Features with Spacebourne SAR Room 208
15:40 - 17:20
TH4.T09: Recent Advances in Ocean Altimetry Room 102
TH4.T08: Information Extraction for Soil and Vegetation Room 103
TH4.T06: TIR Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for the Geosciences Room 104
TH4.T02: Image Classification II Room 105
TH4.T05: Polarimetric Decomposition Techniques Room 106
TH4.T07: Agriculture: Remote Sensing of Land and Water Management II Room 109
TH4.T01: Land Cover Change: Radar Room 110
TH4.T10: Lidars and Environment Room 111
TH4.T03: SMOS New Application and Basic Research Results IV Room 112
TH4.T04: Super-pixel Based Image Processing and Classification Room 207
TH4.T12: Subsurface Sensing I Room 208
17:20 - 19:00
THP.P1: SAR: Image Processing Methods Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
THP.P2: SAR: Image Processing Applications Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
THP.P3: Image Classification III Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
THP.P4: Image Processing III Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
THP.P5: Snow Remote Sensing III Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
THP.P6: Ice Sheets and Glaciers II Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
THP.P7: Sea Ice II Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
THP.P8: GIS Applications II Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
THP.P9: Landslides, Volcanoes and Earthquake Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
THP.P10: Water Related Disasters Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
THP.P11: Miscellaneous Hazards Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
THP.P13: Soil Moisture Retrieval II Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
THP.P14: Soil Physical and Chemical Properties Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
THP.P15: Wetlands II Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
THP.P16: Inland Waters II Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
THP.P17: Forests and Vegetation II Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
THP.P18: Urban Remote Sensing I Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
THP.P19: Forest Degradation I Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
THP.P20: Topography, Geology and Geomorphology II Ground Floor Foyer, Poster Area
Friday, July 26
08:20 - 10:00
FR1.T12: Subsurface Sensing II Room 102
FR1.T08: Information Extraction for Change Detection Room 103
FR1.T03: High Resolution Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring Room 104
FR1.T02: Hyperspectal Image and Signal Processing Room 105
FR1.T05: Polarimetric Statistical Analysis and Modelling Room 106
FR1.T07: Agriculture: Remote Sensing for Crop Classification and Mapping Room 109
FR1.T01: Land Cover Change: Analysis Techniques I Room 110
FR1.T10: Space Lidar: Missions, Technologies and Observations Room 111
FR1.T06: Sensor and Model Synergies I Room 112
FR1.T11: Spaceborne SAR Room 207
FR1.T09: The Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) Mission Room 208
10:30 - 12:10
FR2.T08: 3D Information Extraction in Urban Data Sets Room 103
FR2.T04: Microwave Interaction with Soil, Vegetation & Ocean Surface Room 104
FR2.T02: Image Processing I Room 105
FR2.T05: Interferometric and Polarimetric Techniques Room 106
FR2.T03: Mapping of Soils and Vegetation Using Reflectance and Emittance Spectroscopy Room 109
FR2.T01: Land Cover Change: Analysis Techniques II Room 110
FR2.T07: Vegetation Structure from Multi-frequency Measurements Room 111
FR2.T06: Optical and Hyperspectral Sensors Room 112
FR2.T11: UAV, Airborne and GB-SAR Room 207
FR2.T12: Data Management and Systems II Room 208
13:30 - 15:10
FR3.T03: Remote Sensing from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Systems Room 101
FR3.T01: Forest Degradation II Room 102
FR3.T08: 2D Information Extraction in Urban Data Sets Room 103
FR3.T04: Microwave Interaction with Natural Media Room 104
FR3.T02: Image Processing II Room 105
FR3.T05: Bistatic SAR II Room 106
FR3.T07: Urban Remote Sensing II Room 109
FR3.T09: Pleiades: A Dual Optical Constellation for Submetric Observations: Thematic Space Applications I Room 110
FR3.T10: Image Information Mining II Room 111
FR3.T06: Hyperspectral Parameters Room 112
FR3.T11: Radar Processing and Calibration Room 207
FR3.T12: Data Management and Systems III Room 208
15:40 - 17:20
FR4.T03: Ground-based Sensor Systems Room 101
FR4.T12: Impact of Remote Sensing Programs II Room 102
FR4.T08: Information Extraction for Target Detection Room 103
FR4.T04: Ground Penetration and Target Detection Room 104
FR4.T02: Image Analysis II Room 105
FR4.T05: Active Microwave Sensors Room 106
FR4.T07: Urban Remote Sensing III Room 109
FR4.T01: Mapping Contaminated Soils using Imaging Spectroscopy Room 110
FR4.T10: Image Information Mining III Room 111
FR4.T06: Calibration and Instruments Room 112
FR4.T11: Digital Calibration Techniques for Multi-Channel SAR Systems Room 207
FR4.T09: Pleiades: a Dual Optical Constellation for Submetric Observations: Thematic Space Applications II Room 208