My IGARSS 2013 Schedule

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Paper Detail

Session:Subsurface Sensing II
Session Time:Friday, July 26, 08:20 - 10:00
Presentation Time:Friday, July 26, 08:40 - 09:00
Presentation: Oral
Topic: Analysis Techniques: Subsurface Sensing / Ground Penetrating Radar
Authors: Lorenzo Bruzzone; University of Trento 
 Jeffrey J. Plaut; Jet Propulsion Laboratory / California Institute of Technology 
 Gianni Alberti; C.O.R.I.S.T.A. 
 Donald D. Blankenship; University of Texas at Austin 
 Francesca Bovolo; University of Trento 
 Bruce A. Campbell; Smithsonian Institution 
 Adamo Ferro; University of Trento 
 Yonggyu Gim; Jet Propulsion Laboratory / California Institute of Technology 
 Wlodek Kofman; Institut de Planetologie ed d’Astrophysique de Grenoble IPAG CNRS/UJF, 
 Goro Komatsu; Institute Research School of Planetary Sciences, Università d'Annunzio 
 William McKinnon; Washington University in St. Louis 
 Giuseppe Mitri; INAF/IFSI 
 Roberto Orosei; INAF/IFSI 
 G. Wesley Patterson; The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory 
 Dirk Plettemeier; Technische Universität Dresden 
 Roberto Seu; University of Rome La Sapienza