IGARSS 2015 Registration
June 17, 2015: Announcing additional seats to the social events and a discount for persons who book two half-day tutorials! Login to your registration account, after your registration, and click on the Tutorial/Events link. If you book two half day's tutorials, the total price will be € 180,00 for Professionals (the price of the second half day's tutorial is € 50,00 for Professionals), and € 125,00 for Students (the price of the second half day's tutorial is € 45,00 for Students.) If you have already booked one half-day tutorial, please contact igarss2015.reg@aimgroup.eu to receive the discount for booking a second half-day tutorial.
Registration Fees
All fees shown include 22% VAT
IGARSS 2015 Registration Fee Schedule | |||
Advance Rate by May 29 |
Regular Rate after May 29 |
IEEE or GRSS Member | € 680,00 | € 795,00 | |
Non-Member | € 850,00 | € 965,00 | |
* Student IEEE Member | € 250,00 | € 300,00 | |
* Student Non-Member | € 315,00 | € 375,00 | |
Retired / IEEE Life Member | € 250,00 | € 375,00 | |
One Day Pass (to be purchased on site) | € 300,00 | ||
Accompanying Person | € 85,00 |
* Students have to upload proof of student status
Each full registration includes admission to the technical sessions, welcome reception, coffee/tea breaks, exhibits and one copy of the electronic proceedings.
One Day Pass includes admission to the technical sessions, one copy of the electronic proceedings, exhibits and coffee/tea breaks one day of attendance only. Cannot be used by presenting authors.
Accompanying person registration must be purchased with a standard registration and is limited to family members of the primary registered person. Includes access to exhibits, coffee/tea breaks and welcome reception.
Tutorials, Sunday July 26
Advance Rate by May 29 |
Regular Rate after May 29 |
Professional, Full-Day (Lunch included) | € 180,00 | |
Professional, Half-Day (Lunch included) | € 130,00 | |
Student, Full-Day (Lunch included) | € 125,00 | |
Student, Half-Day (Lunch included) | € 80,00 |
Social & Professional Events
Advance Rate by May 29 |
Regular Rate after May 29 |
Young Geoscience Professionals Cocktail, Monday July 27 | € 12,00 | € 15,00 |
Women in Geoscience Lunch, Tuesday July 28 | € 17,00 | € 20,00 |
Technical Committee and Chapter Chairs Dinner, Wednesday July 29 | € 30,00 | € 35,00 |
** Soccer Match, Wednesday July 29 | € 24,00 | |
Award Banquet, Thursday July 30 | € 66,00 | € 80,00 |
Please note that the number of participants for the social events is limited. Registrations to the social events will be treated on a first-come-first served basis.
** Soccer match spectators at no cost. Game field is within walking distance from the conference center.
All fees shown include 22% VAT
June 17, 2015: Announcing additional seats to the social events and a discount for persons who book two half-day tutorials! Login to your registration account, after your registration, and click on the Tutorial/Events link. If you book two half day's tutorials, the total price will be € 180,00 for Professionals (the price of the second half day's tutorial is € 50,00 for Professionals), and € 125,00 for Students (the price of the second half day's tutorial is € 45,00 for Students.) If you have already booked one half-day tutorial, please contact igarss2015.reg@aimgroup.eu to receive the discount for booking a second half-day tutorial.
- One copy of proceedings in electronic format (delivered on site) is included in the conference registration fee.
- The regular registration fee does not include tutorials and social & professional events
- You must be an IEEE Member or a GRSS Member at the time of registration to receive the Member discount. Please visit ieee.org/join for details
Payment should be made by one of the following methods:
• by bank transfer
Please transfer the payment to AIM CONGRESS Srl
Bank details: Intesa San Paolo Spa – Viale Coni Zugna n. 62 – 20144 Milan
IBAN IT90I0306909457100000007038 – BIC BCITITMM
The payment transfer form should clearly state the name(s) of the delegate(s) and state “Registration IGARSS 2015”
• by credit card (American Express, VISA, Mastercard, Eurocard)
Registration payments must be received by the registration deadline for the rate at which you registered; if payment is not received by the deadline, you will be responsible for the higher rate. Refund policy: Processing fee € 50 before May 15, 2015. No refunds after May 15, 2015.
If you have any questions about registrations, please contact:

AIM Group International – Milan Office
Via G. Ripamonti 129 – 20141 Milan, Italy
Ph: +39 02 566011 – Fax. +39 02 70048578
Email: igarss2015.reg@aimgroup.eu