Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Synergistic use of SMOS Observations to Improve our Understanding of the Water and Energy Cycle I
Time:Friday, July 31, 09:40 - 10:00
Presentation: Oral
Topic: Invited Sessions: Synergistic Use of L-Band Observations to Improve Our Understanding of the Water and Energy Cycle
Recording: [View Video]
Title: An overview of the SMOS+STORM Evolution project: Measuring surface Winds in Tropical and Extra-Tropical Storms with SMOS
Authors: Nicolas Reul; IFREMER 
 Bertrand Chapron; IFREMER 
 Fabrice Collard; OceanDataLab 
 James Cotton; Metoffice 
 Peter Francis; Metoffice 
 Elizaveta Zabolotskikh; Solab 
 Craig Donlon; European Space Agency (ESA)