Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Earth Remote Sensing with Small Satellites II
Time:Thursday, July 30, 16:00 - 16:20
Presentation: Oral
Topic: Invited Sessions: Earth Remote Sensing with Small Satellites
Title: Design and Development of COWVR: Enabling Low-cost Conically Imaging Microwave Radiometers for Environmental Monitoring on Small Satellites
Authors: Shannon T. Brown; Jet Propulsion Laboratory 
 Paolo Focardi; Jet Propulsion Laboratory 
 Amarit Kitiyakara; Jet Propulsion Laboratory 
 Kevin Knarr; Jet Propulsion Laboratory 
 Frank Maiwald; Jet Propulsion Laboratory 
 Lance Milligan; Jet Propulsion Laboratory 
 Oliver Montes; Jet Propulsion Laboratory 
 Sharmila Padmanabhan; Jet Propulsion Laboratory 
 Richard Redick; Jet Propulsion Laboratory 
 Damon Russell; Jet Propulsion Laboratory