2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing

7-13 May 2022
  • Virtual (all paper presentations)
22-27 May 2022
  • Main Venue: Marina Bay Sands Expo & Convention Center, Singapore
27-28 October 2022
  • Satellite Venue: Crowne Plaza Shenzhen Longgang City Centre, Shenzhen, China


Welcome to ICASSP 2022

Latest News
2022-Oct-20 Please read the important information about Attending the Conference in-person.
2022-Oct-13 Book your hotel room at the Crowne Plaza Shenzhen Longgang City Centre (Conference Hotel)
2022-Sept-29 Announcement on ICASSP 2022, Part III at Shenzhen, China, 27-28 October 2022
2022-June-06 Award Recipients were announced during the closing ceremony.
2022-May-24 Updated social events including meals, ice-breaker, drinks and more.
2022-May-12 Frequently Asked Questions from the Virtual Opening Ceremony
2022-May-07 ICASSP 2022 will feature an excellent lineup of Expert Sessions and Panels.
2022-Apr-25 Singapore has further relaxed COVID restrictions. Fully vaccinated individuals will no longer be required to undergo a pre-departure test. Please visit Travel Essentials to find out more.
2022-Apr-01 A preliminary technical program schedule is now available. Search for papers also.
2022-Mar-30 If you require a formal invitation letter to apply for a Visa to enter Singapore or China, you may request a formal invitation letter here. Formal invitation letters are limited to registered attendees.
2022-Mar-28 There have been significant changes to the Travel Essentials information for 1 April 2022 and beyond. Please thoroughly check before planning your travel to Singapore.
2022-Mar-16 Frequently Asked Questions about paper presentation and registration.
2022-Mar-01 ICASSP 2022 Program at a Glance is now available.
2022-Feb-16 Online Registration is now open. Authors must register by 28 February.
2022-Jan-28 ICASSP 2022 will be held as a Tandem-Hybrid Conference, with participation possible virtually, in-person in Singapore, and in-person in Shenzhen, China.
2022-Jan-28 All papers MUST be presented as a virtual poster by producing a pre-recorded presentation video and PDF poster, and attending the virtual poster in Gather.Town at the scheduled time. Instructions for producing the video and poster are available.
2022-Jan-21 Review Results have been sent to authors.
2021-Dec-31 Author Rebuttal to Reviewers begins 3 January 2022 and ends 10 January 2022. Guidelines in the paper kit. Upload your rebuttals to reviews at the author rebuttal upload page.
2021-Dec-09 Signal Processing Journal presentation requests are now being collected. The deadline is 2021-Jan-10.

Announcement on ICASSP 2022, Part III at Shenzhen, China

Dear ICASSP 2022 China participants,

Thank you for your continuous support in the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2022).

Following the success of ICASSP 2022 Part II in Singapore, the Organizing Committee is delighted to inform you that ICASSP 2022 Part III in China is now re-scheduled to 27 and 28 October 2022, at Crowne Plaza Shenzhen Longgang City Centre, Shenzhen, China. The conference date is set according to the latest pandemic situation.

ICASSP 2022 Part III is an in-person conference in Shenzhen, of which the main events will be live cast internationally. The technical program features industry keynotes by pre-eminent speakers, technology and innovation forum, tutorials, women session, welcome reception, and a conference banquet.

For those who have already registered, please indicate your attendance via this link.

For those who have yet to register, please register now to enjoy the special rates starting from $50.

Thank you and we look forward to meeting you at ICASSP 2022, Part III at Shenzhen, China.

ICASSP 2022 Organizing Committee

The International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing (ICASSP), is the IEEE Signal Processing Society’s flagship conference on signal processing and its applications. The 47th edition of ICASSP will be held in Singapore. The programme will include keynotes by pre-eminent international speakers, cutting-edge tutorial topics, and forward-looking special sessions. ICASSP also provides a great networking opportunity with a wide range of like-minded professionals from academia.

ICASSP Locations

ICASSP programming will occur in two locations, plus a virtual option available to all:

Marina Bay Sands, Singapore: Main ICASSP venue with programming consisting of Plenaries, Industry Program, live Tutorials, Entrepreneurship Forum, Awards Ceremony, select Oral Paper Presentations by in-person attendees, Exhibits, Networking and Social Events.

Satellite Location in Shenzhen, China: Secondary venue available for those within China to meet together, view the live programming from Singapore plus local presentations from delegates attending in China. The ICASSP 2022 China satellite will take place on the Crowne Plaza Shenzhen Longgang City Centre, Shenzhen, China, hosting tutorials, industry keynotes, and technical presentations delivered by onsite presenters. Exhibitions and other industry talks could be expected as usual at the China satellite. Come and meet your friends at ICASSP 2022 China satellite!

Virtual Conference: Two platforms will be available, the ICASSP on-demand and live-streamed video platform, and Gather.Town, which will be used for poster sessions, networking, and virtual exhibits. All paper presentations will occur virtually via pre-recorded on-demand oral presentation AND live poster session in Gather.Town for both virtual and physical presenters before the physical ICASSP in Singapore.

Meet them in Shenzhen

Industry Keynote Speakers

Dr. Xiaojun Qiu, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd

Shidong Shang, Director of Tencent Tianlai Lab

Expert Session Speakers

Prof. David Zhang, Distinguished Presidential Chair Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), CUHKSZ

Prof. Tsung-Hui CHANG, Associate Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), CUHKSZ

Dr. Xu Tan: Principal Researcher and Research Manager at Microsoft Research Asia

Prof. Zhi WANG, associate professor at Shenzhen International Graduate School, Tsinghua University

Prof. Zhizheng Wu, Associate Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), CUHKSZ

Meet them in Singapore

Entrepreneurship Forum Keynote

Plenary Speakers

Industry Keynotes

Supporting Organizations