2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing

7-13 May 2022
  • Virtual (all paper presentations)
22-27 May 2022
  • Main Venue: Marina Bay Sands Expo & Convention Center, Singapore
27-28 October 2022
  • Satellite Venue: Crowne Plaza Shenzhen Longgang City Centre, Shenzhen, China


FAQ asked during the Virtual Opening Ceremony

Conference/Technical Session

Q1: Would the paper recordings and technical materials be available to all participants after the conference on the website?

A1: Yes, open preview of all ICASSP ‘22 papers will be available from 28th April ‘22 till 28th May ‘22, and registered participants can still access the virtual conference platform till end of June ‘22.

Q2: Will the video recordings of the tutorials and plenary lectures be shared on IEEE website after the conference?

A2: Video recording of tutorial and plenary keynote lectures will be on demand to all paid participants. Subsequently, these videos are free to SPS members and a nominal fee is charged to non-SPS members in the SPS Resource Center.

Technical Session – Virtual Presentation

Q1: Do the presenters need to introduce their work live or just play their videos and answer questions?

A1: Presenters are required to introduce their work live at Gather.Town. The live presentation date and time are available on the Technical Program page.

Q2: In the virtual poster presentation session, can I leave the GatherTown or just walk around to interact with other authors during my allocated time slot?

A2: Presenters should fully utilize the 45-minute allocated time slot to present their work.

Q3: There is a “computer” in front of each “poster” which one should we enter?

A3:: You should “enter” the poster instead of the computer.

Q4: Can we share the screen in Gather.Town?

A4: Answer: Yes, if you choose to do so.

Q5: Is there any possibility to bookmark selected sessions/papers on the conference platform?

A5: No. This function is not available.

Q6: I’d like to know whether all Q&A parts for the paper are answered by the web page? No talking in Gather.Town?

A6: The Q&A box is meant for offline question and answer. Live presentation and interaction are to be conducted via Gather.Town

Q7: I have another question, just to clarify. During my virtual session poster presentation, I should be in my Gather.Town location. Then I will be able to answer questions using my microphone or only at the discussion box typing in the text?

A7: Yes, authors should present live during the 45-minute allocated slot at Gather.Town. The Q&A box is meant for offline communication.

Q8: Should we prepare a short pitch for the poster session, or the poster session is only for Q&A?

A8: Yes, you are encouraged to do so.

Technical Session – In-Person Presentation

Q1: Are the presentations (live sessions) all recorded?

A1: Presentations in main track (including plenary speeches, industrial keynote speeches, etc) will be recorded.

Q2: For the in-person presentation, what should we prepare? Do we need to send the slides in advance to the chair or can we bring a USB on-site?

A2: Please prepare slides for a 12-minute presentation, save your files to a USB and bring it to the presentation room, and copy to the presentation laptop 15 minutes before the session starts.

Q3: Can we get a manual of the technical programs from the registration desk in Singapore so that we can check the time slots of different sessions?

A3: You will receive a pocket program showing the sessions and venues. Alternatively, you may check the session and paper details from conference website.

Q4: Can we know the presentation order of papers before the in-person presentation session?

A4: The presentation timings of each paper have been sent to authors by email on 8 May.

Q5: Is the in-presentation accessible via zoom?

A5: The in-person presentations will not be broadcasted via Zoom.

Q6: Will the in-person presentation from 22 – 27 May also be recorded?

A6: The sessions in the main track (including plenary speeches, industrial keynote speeches, etc) will be recorded; while the paper presentation sessions will not be recorded.


Q1: Can I re-register that event in CUHK-Shenzhen when the timeline is decided later?

A1: Yes. You may re-register for the event at CUHK-Shenzhen when the timeline is decided.

Q2: Is it still possible to register for in-person registration?

A2: Yes you can.

Q3: Is it too late to change to physical conference attendance now?

A3: Please contact as space is limited.

Travel and Tourism

Q1: Are there any in-person complimentary tours in Singapore?

A1: For complimentary tours, please check out this link recommended by our local tourism board. For booking of tours, please contact the tour guides directly.

Q2: Could we have the link to purchase a travel pass?

A2: The maximum duration for Singapore Tourist Pass is 3-days. The Singapore Tourist Pass is a special travel card that allows for unlimited travel on Singapore’s basic bus services, MRT, and LRT trains for the duration that it is valid.

Please visit this website for T&C and to purchase your ticket.

Q3: Are there any recommendations for travel destinations?

A3: Definitely! Nearest to our conference location we have one of Asia’s premier horticultural destinations, the Gardens by the Bay, which offers a scenic paradise for nature and photography lovers. For more attractions, visit the Singapore Tourism site, where you can explore other places by interest.