2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing

7-13 May 2022
  • Virtual (all paper presentations)
22-27 May 2022
  • Main Venue: Marina Bay Sands Expo & Convention Center, Singapore
27-28 October 2022
  • Satellite Venue: Crowne Plaza Shenzhen Longgang City Centre, Shenzhen, China


Show and Tell Demo: Call for Proposals

The ICASSP 2022 organization committee is soliciting proposals for a Show & Tell Demo event that will be held during the conference. The Show & Tell Demo event includes demonstrations of innovations done by research and engineering groups in industry, academia and governmental institutes. The demonstrations can be related to any of the technical areas of ICASSP, as defined in the Call-for-Papers of ICASSP 2022. The theme of the conference is human-centric signal processing.

The deadline for submission of a Show & Tell Demo proposal is March 1, 2022, and the notification of acceptance will be given by March 31, 2022. A proposal of around 300 words should be submitted by filling the online template below with including the following information:

  1. Title and topic of the proposal;
  2. Author name(s), affiliation(s) and e-mail(s);
  3. Detailed description of the demo;
  4. Main novelty and innovations of the demo;
  5. Impact to signal processing communities;
  6. Interactivity for both on-site and online attendees;

Show & Tell demonstrations at ICASSP are attractive and space is limited. The proposal should clearly explain in what sense the proposed demonstration is novel and innovative and how it will appeal to the ICASSP audience. Show & Tell demonstrations should have an interactive component, which goes beyond demonstrating “simple” simulated graphs on a computer. How this interactivity for both on-site and online attendees is taken into account should be provided. Commercial product demonstrations are considered more appropriate for ICASSP exhibitions and will not be considered for Show & Tell Demos.

Each on-site demonstration will be provided with a skirted table, stand for a poster and an electrical power strip. Online demonstrations will be conducted virtually using Zoom and Gather (for interactions). Please note that you will need to register at ICASSP 2022 in order to present a demonstration.

For questions, please contact with Chairs via

Submission of Proposals

To submit a Show and Tell Demonstration proposal, please provide the requested information in the following submission form by March 1, 2022.

  • Authors Information
    • Author Name(s)
    • Author Affiliation(s)
    • Author Email(s)
    • Web address of the research group (optional)
  • Show and Tell Information
    • Title of the Demonstration
    • Summary of the Demonstration