Technical Program

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Meetings are listed separately.

Location: Room 201 BC
Monday, July 24
13:40 - 15:20
MO3.L4: Companion SAR Missions I Room 201 BC
16:20 - 18:00
MO4.L4: Companion SAR Missions II Room 201 BC
Tuesday, July 25
08:00 - 09:40
TU1.L4: Student Paper Contest Finalists I Room 201 BC
10:40 - 12:20
TU2.L4: Student Paper Contest Finalists II Room 201 BC
13:40 - 15:20
TU3.L4: Polarimetric Techniques II Room 201 BC
16:20 - 18:00
TU4.L4: Bistatic SAR Room 201 BC
Wednesday, July 26
08:00 - 09:40
WE1.L4: ALOS/ALOS-2/ALOS-2 Follow-on (SAR) Mission I Room 201 BC
10:40 - 12:20
WE2.L4: ALOS/ALOS-2/ALOS-2 Follow-on (SAR) Mission II Room 201 BC
13:40 - 15:20
WE3.L4: 3-/4-D Computational Radar Imaging Advancements, System, and User Applications I Room 201 BC
16:20 - 18:00
WE4.L4: 3-/4-D Computational Radar Imaging Advancements, System, and User Applications II Room 201 BC
Thursday, July 27
08:00 - 09:40
TH1.L4: Forest Monitoring by Optical Radiometry II Room 201 BC
10:40 - 12:20
TH2.L4: Polarimetric SAR Interferometry Room 201 BC
13:40 - 15:20
TH3.L4: Polarimetric Classification Room 201 BC
16:20 - 18:00
TH4.L4: Polarimetric Techniques I Room 201 BC
Friday, July 28
08:00 - 09:40
FR1.L4: SAR Image Processing and Analysis Room 201 BC
10:40 - 12:20
FR2.L4: SAR Imaging Algorithms I Room 201 BC
13:40 - 15:20
FR3.L4: Advances in SAR Instrumentation and Calibration I Room 201 BC
15:50 - 17:30
FR4.L4: Advances in SAR Instrumentation and Calibration II Room 201 BC