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My IGARSS 2017 Schedule

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Paper Detail

Session:The Joint Polar Satellite System: NOAA’s New Global Operational Capability to Monitor the Planet II
Session Time:Wednesday, July 26, 10:40 - 12:20
Presentation Time:Wednesday, July 26, 12:00 - 12:20
Presentation: Oral
Topic: Invited Sessions: The Joint Polar Satellite System: NOAA’s New Global Operational Capability to Monitor the Planet
Paper Title: Using VIIRS Fire Radiative Power data to simulate biomass burning emissions, plume rise and smoke transport in a real-time air quality modeling system
Authors: Ravan Ahmadov; NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory 
 Georg Grell; NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory 
 Eric James; NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory 
 Ivan Csiszar; NOAA/NESDIS 
 Marina Tsidulko; NOAA/NESDIS 
 Brad Pierce; NOAA/NESDIS 
 Stuart McKeen; NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory 
 Stan Benjamin; NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory 
 Curtis Alexander; NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory 
 Gabriel Pereira; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 
 Saulo Freitas; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 
 Mitchell Goldberg; NOAA/NESDIS