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My IGARSS 2017 Schedule

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Paper Detail

Session:TanDEM-X: The Earth in 3D I
Session Time:Tuesday, July 25, 08:00 - 09:40
Presentation Time:Tuesday, July 25, 09:00 - 09:20
Presentation: Oral
Topic: Invited Sessions: TanDEM-X: The Earth in 3 D
Authors: Andrea Pulella; University of Pisa 
 Polyanna da Conceicao Bispo; University of Leicester 
 Matteo Pardini; German Aerospace Center (DLR) 
 Florian Kugler; German Aerospace Center (DLR) 
 Victor Cazcarra Bes; German Aerospace Center (DLR) 
 Maria Tello Alonso; German Aerospace Center (DLR) 
 Konstantinos Papathanassiou; German Aerospace Center (DLR) 
 Heiko Balzter; University of Leicester 
 Igor Rizaev; University of Leicester 
 Maiza Nara Santos; Briazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) 
 Joao Roberto dos Santos; National Institute of Space Research (INPE) 
 Luciana Spinelli de Araujo; Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) 
 Kevin Tansey; University of Leicester