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My IGARSS 2017 Schedule

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Paper Detail

Session:Active Airborne Remote Sensing of Forest Ecosystems I
Session Time:Thursday, July 27, 13:40 - 15:20
Presentation Time:Thursday, July 27, 13:40 - 14:00
Presentation: Oral
Topic: Invited Sessions: Active Airborne Remote Sensing of Forest Ecosystems
Paper Title: The 2016 NASA AfriSAR campaign: airborne SAR and Lidar measurements of tropical forest structure and biomass in support of future satellite missions
Authors: Lola Fatoyinbo; NASA 
 Naiara Pinto; NASA 
 Michelle Hofton; University of Maryland 
 Marc Simard; NASA 
 Bryan Blair; NASA 
 Sassan Saatchi; NASA 
 Yunling Lou; NASA 
 Ralph Dubayah; University of Maryland 
 Scott Hensley; NASA 
 John Armston; University of Maryland 
 Laura Duncanson; USRA/NASA 
 Marco Lavalle; NASA