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My IGARSS 2017 Schedule

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Paper Detail

Session:Global Scale Spectroscopy from Space for the Health of Planet Earth I
Session Time:Wednesday, July 26, 13:40 - 15:20
Presentation Time:Wednesday, July 26, 15:00 - 15:20
Presentation: Oral
Topic: Invited Sessions: Global Scale Spectroscopy from Space for the Health of Planet Earth
Paper Title: Spectroscopy for global observation of coastal and inland aquatic habitats
Authors: Kevin Turpie; University of Maryland, Baltimore County 
 Steven Ackleson; Naval Research Laboratory 
 Thomas Bell; University of California, Santa Barbara 
 Heidi Dierssen; University of Connecticut 
 James Goodman; HySpeed Computing LLC 
 Robert Green; California Institute of Technology NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory 
 Liane Guild; NASA Ames Research Center 
 Eric Hochberg; Bermuda Institute for Ocean Science 
 Victor Klemas; University of Delaware 
 Samantha Lavender; Pixalytics, Ltd. 
 Christine Lee; California Institute of Technology NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory 
 Tiffany Moisan; NASA Wallops Flight Facility 
 Frank Muller-Karger; University of South Florida 
 Joseph Ortiz; Kent State University 
 Sherry Palacios; Bay Area Environmental Research Institute 
 David Thompson; California Institute of Technology NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory 
 Richard Zimmerman; Old Dominion University