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My IGARSS 2017 Schedule

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Paper Detail

Session:Retrievals of Coupled Variables from Satellite Remotely Sensed Imagery I
Session Time:Tuesday, July 25, 13:40 - 15:20
Presentation Time:Tuesday, July 25, 15:00 - 15:20
Presentation: Oral
Topic: Invited Sessions: Retrievals of Coupled Variables from Satellite Remotely Sensed Imagery
Paper Title: Surfactant-associated bacteria in the near-surface layer of the ocean from in-situ DNA sampling and SAR imaging
Authors: Alexander Soloviev; Nova Southeastern University 
 Kathryn Howe; Nova Southeastern University 
 Cayla Dean; Nova Southeastern University 
 Aurelien Tartar; Nova Southeastern University 
 Mahmood Shivji; Nova Southeastern University 
 Brian Haus; University of Miami 
 William Perrie; Bedford Institute of Oceanography 
 Susanne Lehner; German Aerospace Center (DLR)