My ISIT 2015 Schedule

Note: Your custom schedule will not be saved unless you create a new account or login to an existing account. Your custom schedule saved here is not linked or affiliated with any custom schedule you create in the conference app.
  1. Create a login based on your email (takes less than one minute)
  2. Perform 'Paper Search'
  3. Select papers that you desire to save in your personalized schedule
  4. Click on 'My Schedule' to see the current list of selected papers
  5. Click on 'Printable Version' to create a separate window suitable for printing (the header and menu will appear, but will not actually print)

Clicking on the Add button next to a paper title will add that paper to your custom schedule.
Clicking on the Remove button next to a paper will remove that paper from your custom schedule.

Mo-AM2-1: Algebra for Coding

Session Type: Lecture
Time: Monday, June 15, 11:30 - 12:50
Location: S427 (L4)
Session Chair: Tor Helleseth, University of Bergen
  Mo-AM2-1.1: A Robust Chinese Remainder Theorem with Applications in Error Correction Coding
         Li Xiao; University of Delaware
         Xiang-Gen Xia; Xidian University; also University of Delaware
  Mo-AM2-1.2: On Involutions of Finite Fields
         Charpin Pascale; INRIA
         Sihem Mesnager; University of Paris 8
         Sumanta Sarkar; Indian Statistical Institute
  Mo-AM2-1.3: On the Volume of a Metric Ball in Unitary Group
         Lu Wei; University of Helsinki
         Renaud-Alexandre Pitaval; Aalto University
         Jukka Corander; University of Helsinki
         Olav Tirkkonen; Aalto University
  Mo-AM2-1.4: Linear Independence of Rank 1 Matrices and the Dimension of *-Products of Codes
         Hugues Randriambololona; Telecom ParisTech