Mo-PM1-1: Network Coding for Multiple Unicasts

Session Type: Lecture
Time: Monday, June 15, 14:40 - 16:20
Location: S427 (L4)
Session Chair: Guangyue Han, The University of Hong Kong
Mo-PM1-1.1: Connecting Multiple-Unicast and Network Error Correction: Reduction and Unachievability
         Wentao Huang; California Institute of Technology
         Michael Langberg; University at Buffalo
         Jörg Kliewer; New Jersey Institute of Technology
Mo-PM1-1.2: On Network Coding Advantage for Multiple Unicast Networks
         Kai Cai; The University of Hong Kong
         Guangyue Han; The University of Hong Kong
Mo-PM1-1.3: On an Equivalence of the Reduction of k-Unicast to 2-Unicast Capacity and the Edge Removal Property
         Ming Fai Wong; California Institute of Technology
         Michelle Effros; California Institute of Technology
         Michael Langberg; State University of New York at Buffalo
Mo-PM1-1.4: Symmetry in Network Coding
         Jayant Apte; Drexel University
         John Walsh; Drexel University
Mo-PM1-1.5: On Approximating the Sum-Rate for Multiple-Unicasts
         Karthikeyan Shanmugam; University of Texas at Austin
         Megasthenis Asteris; University of Texas at Austin
         Alexandros G. Dimakis; University of Texas at Austin