Authors of IEEE Signal Processing Letters (SPL) papers will be given the opportunity to present their work at ICASSP 2016, subject to space availability and approval by the ICASSP Technical Program Chairs. SPL papers published between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015 are eligible for presentation at ICASSP 2016. Because they are already peer-reviewed and published, SPL papers presented at ICASSP 2016 will not be reviewed. Requests for presentation of SPL papers should be made through the this web page on or before December 16, 2015. Approved requests for presentation must have one author/presenter register for the conference according to the ICASSP 2016 registration instructions.

Submitting a presentation request will require the following information about your paper:

  1. Title
  2. Abstract
  3. Complete Author List
  4. SPL Volume No.
  5. SPL Issue No.
  6. DOI Number or URL to IEEE Xplore page

To submit your presentation request, CLICK HERE.

If you have submitted a request and wish to modify/update it later, CLICK HERE TO REVISE AN EXISTING REQUEST.

ICASSP 2016 Patrons