NSF Grant Application (for US Based Students)

ICASSP 2016 grants are funded by the US National Science Foundation and will be limited to:

  • US-based Students;
  • First author of an accepted paper at ICASSP 2016;
  • The student receiving the grant must be the presenter of the paper;

The grants will be awarded to about 50 applicants (with $500 for each applicant) based on the paper quality and the authors' need. The grants, if approved, will be on a reimbursement basis following instructions given to grantees. The ICASSP grant selection and oversight committees reserve the right to make the final decision regarding all applications.

Questions regarding this grant may be directed to info@icassp2016.org.

Submission of Proposals

The deadline for submitting an application for this grant has passed.

Questions regarding this grant may be directed to info@icassp2016.org.

ICASSP 2016 Patrons