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Paper Detail

Presentation #5
Session:Speaker Recognition/Verification
Session Time:Thursday, December 20, 10:00 - 12:00
Presentation Time:Thursday, December 20, 10:00 - 12:00
Presentation: Poster
Topic: Speaker/language recognition:
Authors: Ivan Himawan; Queensland University of Technology 
 Md Hafizur Rahman; Queensland University of Technology 
 Sridha Sridharan; Queensland University of Technology 
 Clinton Fookes; Queensland University of Technology 
 Ahilan Kanagasundaram; Queensland University of Technology 
Abstract: We investigate the use of deep neural networks (DNNs) for the speaker diarization task to improve performance under domain mismatched conditions. Three unsupervised domain adaptation techniques, namely inter-dataset variability compensation (IDVC), domain-invariant covariance normalization (DICN), and domain mismatch modeling (DMM), are applied on DNN based speaker embeddings to compensate for the mismatch in the embedding subspace. We present results conducted on the DIHARD data, which was released for the 2018 diarization challenge. Collected from a diverse set of domains, this data provides very challenging domain mismatched conditions for the diarization task. Our results provide insights on how the performance of our proposed system could be further improved.