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Paper Detail

Presentation #12
Session:ASR I
Session Time:Wednesday, December 19, 10:00 - 12:00
Presentation Time:Wednesday, December 19, 10:00 - 12:00
Presentation: Poster
Topic: Speech recognition and synthesis:
Authors: Sheng Li; National Institute of Information and Communications Technology 
 Xugang Lu; National Institute of Information and Communications Technology 
 Ryoichi Takashima; National Institute of Information and Communications Technology 
 Peng Shen; National Institute of Information and Communications Technology 
 Tatsuya Kawahara; National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) / Kyoto University 
 Hisashi Kawai; National Institute of Information and Communications Technology 
Abstract: The very deep neural network has recently been proposed for speech recognition and achieves significant performance. It has excellent potential for integration with end-to-end (E2E) training. Connectionist temporal classification (CTC) has shown great potential in E2E acoustic modeling. In this study, we investigate deep architectures and techniques which are suitable for CTC-based acoustic modeling. We propose a very deep residual time-delay CTC neural network (VResTD-CTC). How to select a suitable deep architecture optimized with the CTC objective function is crucial for obtaining the state of the art performance. Excellent performances can be obtained by selecting deep architecture for non-E2E ASR systems modeling with tied-triphone states. However, these optimized structures do not guarantee to achieve better or comparable performances on E2E (e.g., CTC-based) systems modeling with dynamic acoustic units. For solving this problem and further leveraging the system performance, we introduce the vertical-attention mechanism to reweight the residual blocks at each time step. Speech recognition experiments show our proposed model significantly outperforms the DNN and LSTM-based (both bidirectional and unidirectional) CTC baseline models.