PROmotinG DiveRsity in Signal ProcESSing: PROGRESS
PROmotinG DiveRsity in Signal ProcESSing: PROGRESS
WS-2: Preparing for the Interview - Breakout Rooms II
All times are Eastern Time (Toronto / New York)
Friday, 4 June, 15:00 - 16:00 (Toronto Local Time, EDT, UTC -4)
Georgios Giannakis (Moderator)Endowed Chair in Wireless Telecommunications, and McKnight Presidential Chair in ECE
Digital Technology Center, Director, University of Minnesota, USA
Xiaoli MaProfessor, GaTech, USA
Nikos SidiropoulosLouis T. Rader Professor and Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Virginia, USA
Yanning ShenAssistant Professor, University of California, Irvine, USA
Roy YatesDistinguished Professor, Rutgers University, USA