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My Asilomar 2019 Schedule

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Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:Optimization Methods for Wireless Communications (Invited)
Session Time:Monday, November 4, 13:30 - 15:10
Presentation Time:Monday, November 4, 13:55 - 14:20
Presentation: Oral
Topic: Communications Systems: Modulation and Coding
Paper Title: Zero Crossing Modulation for Communication with Temporally Oversampled 1-Bit Quantization
Authors: Gerhard Fettweis; Technische Universität Dresden 
 Meik Dörpinghaus; Technische Universität Dresden 
 Sandra Bender; Technische Universität Dresden 
 Lukas Landau; Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro 
 Peter Neuhaus; Technische Universität Dresden 
 Martin Schlüter; Technische Universität Dresden